How Tall Can I Get Before People Call Me Old?


On the first page of her new book “The Height of Dating: Tips, Strategies and Tools to Help You Get the Boy,” Lisa Przystup offers advice on how to find a husband, as well as a way to get ahead in the workplace. The title “The Height of Dating” might seem to put some off at the idea that Przystup is encouraging women to take their height into account when dating, but it isn’t a book about vanity. In fact, the whole concept of “the height of dating” was started by Lisa herself. She believes that men are interested in dating attractive, confident women who can carry themselves well socially. Her book is a guide for both single men and women on how to deal with everyday pressures, like balancing career and family responsibilities, while still finding time for romance. In addition to having a great sense of humor and a great deal of knowledge, Lisa Przystup gives great advice about what men find attractive in a woman, and how to get past the barriers that keep them from pursuing a relationship.

There is a strong connection between being tall and confidence, and Przystup makes this very clear in her “The Height of Dating.” Men don’t often see tall and confident women dating, but they are more likely to look for partners who are. This is because tall and confident women are seen as having more options available to them, and they have more options available to them, because there are more tall and confident women in general. Therefore, if you have a lot of height to go with good looks, then you have a leg up on any man. However, you should be aware of the fact that men are looking for other things, besides just a pretty face, so pick your partner carefully.

Being tall does not mean you have to let life pass you by. If you can find a man who finds your height and figure attractive, who appreciate your intelligence, and who is intrigued by your wit, then your relationship can reach new levels of intimacy. Przystup offers practical advice that will help you build a lasting relationship. In addition, she offers great suggestions about how to avoid common dating mistakes, and offer unique solutions for relationships that are stilted by height. By following the advice in this manual, you can be sure to make your height difference work to your advantage, and be the taller woman you’ve always hoped to be.
