How Tall Can a Woman Get If She’s Tall For Love?


Claire Ritchie is the Australian actress who has been known for her high body slimmer looks. Ritchie was an aspiring actress when she was in her teens and weight issues made it difficult for her to continue on with her acting career. After years of struggle to stay with a thin figure, Claire Ritchie decided to transform herself into something more. The film industry in Australia has not been the same since Ritchie turned down parts and has only managed to gain screen time because of her physique.

Claire Ritchie is the perfect candidate for a love affair with genetics and height-enlargement. As a former overweight teen, Ritchie has gained the benefit of a healthy diet and exercise. This combination has allowed her to shed off the pounds and be in her best shape of all. A tall, fit and sexy woman like Claire Ritchie can appeal to men of any nationality and does so without being considered too exotic or strange by many.

This is because the love of height enhancement has allowed Claire Ritchie to be in her own class of actresses. Her partner in this venture, Tom Cruise, is known for his appearance but not necessarily for his height. A fit and athletic man of any nationality can still be considered attractive by many. The same is true of a woman with a slimmer and taller body frame. It is hard to find a truly exotic woman whose love of height stemming from her profession and genes is not apparent in her appearance.
