How Sorbent Socks Can Be Used Around The Home


Sorbent Socks has been in use since the early 1950’s. These socks are made from a material which is known as absorbent polypropylene. This material is combined with a nylon and high density foam to create a very comfortable sock. The material that is mixed together creates a material that will allow liquid and even air to pass through it, as well as keeping feet cool and dry.

Sorbent Socks is used in large industries as well as day to day jobs. For example, construction firms that work with concrete and crushed stone rely on these socks for protection. A pair of these socks would absorb up to ten gallons of water per day, or about 250 pounds of weight. That is more than twice as much as some industries use in a given day!

Another place where sorbent socks are used is in the printing industry. Printing shops that depend on drying their images and text quickly find that using these socks will save them money on ink, chemicals, and labor. Socks like this can also absorb liquids and air. For example, if an artist is working on a page and needs to dry out an image, he can put the image in a sock, put it in a bottle of water, put it in a bucket of air and let it dry. Then he simply takes his pants off and socks off and the image is still in perfect shape.
