How Paola Paulin Used her Virtual Age to Find Her Ideal Partner


Paola Paulin is a celebrity from the National Union of Professional Codifiers (NUPC) in the United States. She is an accomplished writer and former champion speed skater. Her real profession was teaching English as a foreign language at the University of Utah, but she now focuses on identity theft and combating it at home. Recently, she was featured on the Oprah Winfrey show talking about identity theft and her fight against it. Paola Paulin’s story is inspiring to say the least because she shared so little about herself other than her name and that she was a former top skater. It is important for individuals who may be prone to identity theft to take caution when using their credit cards, making certain all information they provide is secure.

There is no question that Paola Paulin is an exceptional athlete, but this does not change the fact that she is a woman. A lot of people make the assumption that if you are female, you are not susceptible to becoming a victim of identity theft. It is true that females typically spend more time than men shopping, making them targets for scammers who want to use your information for their own gain. Women should also take special care when giving out personal information online. If a woman is giving out social security numbers, addresses or phone numbers online, she should make sure that the site has a secure page and only give out information that is needed and only in need.

In terms of Paola Paulin’s story, one needs to understand that as a woman who won the competition, she did have a valid reason to look younger than her actual age. Her problem lies with identity thieves who use false age to apply for credit cards in her name. Even though she admitted to using her identity to purchase items on eBay and online, it is unclear why she was being billed for the purchases made. When an individual run into this kind of trouble, he or she should seek legal advice from a good lawyer who deals with these issues on a daily basis. The reason why this story is relevant at this time is because identity theft laws are always evolving and need to be reviewed periodically so that individuals can avoid becoming victims. Protect yourself by educating yourself about safe online purchasing and protecting personal information.
