How Long to Wear Compression Socks After Surgery


How Long to Wear Compression Socks After Surgery

How long to wear compression stockings after surgery for leg surgery? Depending on your answers to these questions will determine how long you should wear the socks after surgery. It may be a good idea for you to check with the podiatrist before you decide on this. Many doctors recommend wearing the socks for up to a week after surgery but some do not like to take chances. The best thing for you to do is consult with your surgeon before committing yourself to wearing the socks.

If you have been recommended how long to wear compression socks after surgery, there is still some uncertainty about how the socks will affect your healing. Many surgeons say that they will not prescribe them unless there is a significant amount of swelling or pain. One concern is the possibility of negative reaction to the surgical wound care and the use of the compression socks. You will also have to consider how long you plan to wear the socks. This will depend on how fast you heal and how the leg and the foot heal.

Wearing compression garments can help to reduce the soreness that occurs in cold feet. These compression garments are designed to keep the skin tight and free from excess blood flow. They work by limiting the movement of the blood in the feet which helps to decrease swelling. If you wear the compression socks during the initial healing process, they may be able to lengthen the time it takes for the wounds to heal. For people who cannot wear compression stockings due to their health conditions or those who prefer to avoid them, there are other options available.
