How Important is Nationality When Considering Marriage?


Adriana Ezkov is a former model turned entrepreneur and now the creator of her own online dating website. She is committed to spreading the idea of Nationality and helping those who are of a different nationality find a partner to marry. She argues that many people who wed each other from countries where they don’t even speak or are not from the same religion have trouble finding their homeland, as the culture is quite different. Her website focuses on those people who belong to other nationalities, encouraging them to connect with those people outside their own race, religion, and background.

There are several points Adriana Ezkov considers vital when choosing to marry someone outside one’s own race, religion, and nationality. She believes that an ethnic mix will create more stable and loving marriages, as all members of a couple’s ethnicity will value their partner’s cultural differences more than the actual nationality, and want to make sure that their relationship is built upon a stable, lifelong foundation. She also believes that marrying someone with a different nationality can work better for those looking for a long term relationship, as having a partner who is of a different culture can spark interest in future visits and vacations. Furthermore, Ezkov argues that people who are of different nationalities are often not able to fully integrate into their partner’s culture, due to language, or due to physical and social barriers that may be present. She says that this can cause problems during everyday life and can lead to resentment and depression among the couple.

Adriana Ezkov says that if she had known about Nationality when she was choosing a partner to marry, then she might have taken her chances a little higher, and chosen to marry someone from her own country, in order to build a stronger foundation between them. Today, she works alongside several Russian ladies to help them find partners, and also offers classes and advice to help them adjust to their new lifestyle. The goal of Nationality Marriage is to help people from all over the world who want to get married to each other adjust to their national identity, while building strong, lifelong relationships.
