How Does the Paola Matute Increase Height?


The Paola Matute is a dance that originated in Brazil, in the region of Amazon. It is called so because of its resemblance to the knee of the Brazilian peasant girl and also because the music that accompanies it is quite similar to that of the native Brazilians. When it is performed by an expert dancer it will reach up to 9 feet and be very tall with the mane falling just around the ankles and also covering the top of the shoulders. It is a graceful dance that has the ability to make even the most simple people seem great. If you are looking for a height difference of several inches to your partner this dance will definitely add height without too much effort or risk.

There is one way to dance which is to add height by raising your Partnerโ€™s arms to your chest and allowing the hands to rest at either side of the hips on top of each other as though you were doing a Tango. You will also notice that you are no longer bending over like you used to in your youth. In fact, if you were really good at it you could use that pose to simply turn your partner 180 degrees and then slam them back down to the mat. The Paola Matute should be learned under the tutelage of a master. He or she will teach you all of the finer points of this dance such as how to raise your Partnerโ€™s arms, how to hold the rope in place and how to add height by bending your knees while moving your arms about a full revolution.

In order to truly understand how the matute can help you gain height, you need to have some background information on Brazilian tallness. While the Matute does help increase your height, it is not the sole means of gaining height. For a truly healthy and athletic body you still need to do strength training, cardio exercises and lots of endurance activities. The Paola Matute can help you add height but if you are looking for a solution other than that then you might want to look at other options.
