How Does Contemporary Male Fashion Trends Looking?


How Does Contemporary Male Fashion Trends Looking?

The 1970’s was a decade that launched many new fashion trends, as well as creating many others. In order to understand these trends, one must look at the cultural aspects that helped to shape them – especially music. There was a movement away from ‘girly’ clothing and towards more masculine ‘manly’ fashions. This included development of’music styles’ which were distinctly different from earlier music (though not necessarily in content or tone). One of the biggest influence on male fashion trends was the rise of the sixties’ rock and roll band scene – with its wild, free-flowing hair and open-backed clothes; it was a hugely popular style with teenagers and the younger generation.

As the decade wore on, the sixties became a decade of experimentation with clothing styles as well. There was a greater number of people wearing multi-layered clothing, and there was greater variety in material and colour. The ‘Sixties Abroad’ clothing style gave rise to iconic ‘Afrocentric’ fashion looks. Although this didn’t last, it represented a stylistic direction for future fashion trends.

As the decade wore on, and the sixties began to wind down, there was less interest in clothing of the ‘Free style’ variety. Instead, men turned their attention towards the more traditional ‘English’ look – with its emphasis on tailoring and tailcoat. The ‘English’ look still remains popular amongst men, although less openly so than it used to be.
