How Does Age Difference Affect Get a Green Card?


Maria F. was born in Venezuela, where the height record stood at 47.5 inches. Height and nationality are the two criteria that stand in opposition to each other. Maria is a national of Cuban nationality while her husband was a US citizen and she has had two children with him. Maria has always maintained her nationality as Cuban, even as an expat now living in Spain.

Maria and her partner began their relationship when they were both just out of university. It did not last long because after her marriage, Maria began working in a store where her lover worked. This was to prove to be a problem because her lover also had a Spanish work permit and she could not work with him. The two split up when Maria became pregnant and as she was not allowed to go back to her husband, she decided to stay away from him too. When her expat boyfriend returned to live in Spain, Maria continued her studies in Miami and missed her lover considerably.

Maria and her partner got divorced when they got married in July of 1992 and seven years later Maria was widowed. This made Maria feel as if she had lost everything, but she was determined to get back with her Ex. When her partner’s business collapsed and they could not afford to pay their taxes, Maria and her partner decided to move back into the United States together. But the age difference in their height and nationality meant that Maria was ineligible to be naturalized as a US citizen and so she applied for residency in another country – in Canada.
