How Do You Define Success?


Cynthia Parkhurst is an American actress, writer, producer, and athlete. Born and raised in Southern California, Parkhurst was a rather typical teen throughout her upbringing. As an adult, Parkhurst began a relationship with Nigerian National Honorary President Kuffour. According to accounts from those that know Parkhurst, the two met when she was 18 and he was in his sixties. At that time, Nationality and age were not a huge issue for Parkhurst, as both of them were young enough to be childless.

In the mid eighties, Parkhurst decided to marry Kuffour, and the marriage lasted only a brief period of time before they divorced. This does not necessarily mean that Parkhurst was unfaithful; however, it does raise questions about where their professional goals stood during this period in their careers. From accounts of their marriage, Parkhurst seems to have considered herself a rather African-American wife and mother while simultaneously pursuing what would become a highly successful career as a screenwriter and producer. It is clear from their joint careers that Parkhurst was a loving partner and mother, and to be fair, most women are capable of taking on the role of wife and mother with success. However, the question that must be answered is whether or not Parkhurst’s ethnicity played a role in how her career was shaped. It is not uncommon for a person of Parkhurst’s ethnicity to be successful in the African-American community and to be married to a white man with a prestigious career, yet somehow, that is somehow unacceptable.

Many African Americans view themselves as being more than just African American because they have chosen to identify themselves as African American regardless of whether or not their parents are of African descent. This is problematic because some believe that there are so many stereotypes related to African Americans that being labeled “black” automatically makes one a bad person. Parkhurst’s own mother identified Parkhurst as African American at birth, but it seems that Parkhurst’s view of her personal identity has changed as she has grown older. While Parkhurst has always referred to herself as an African American, in recent years, she has claimed to be Japanese American, Filipino American, Chinese American, and even Swedish. It appears that Parkhurst is able to maintain a multi-racial identity while also maintaining a strong identity as a woman of Irish descent. It is this multi-racial identity that helps make Cynthia Parkhurst a very successful actress, writer, and producer.
