How Do Teenagers Get Married?


Meghan Camarena is a famous Internet personality known by her pen name Strawburry. She is married to Brad Pitt and the mother of two children, daughters Harley and Zaya. Meghan has appeared on several reality shows and was also the face of a very successful clothing line. At one time, Meghan was dating Tiger Woods and it would have been interesting to see how that relationship would have played out if it had continued.

Meghan has appeared in a few online videos where she discussed the age difference between her and Brad Pitt, stating that they were both aged 35 when they first got married. This is in line with the legal age difference between a person in America and someone in Spain, who is known as being fifteen years old according to the legal system of each country. It is interesting to note that in legal systems in different parts of the world, the legal age for marriage varies significantly. In the United States it is set at 17, while in many other countries it is set at eighteen.

It is interesting to speculate what exactly would happen if Meghan had wed Brad Pitt had she been of a different age. Would their marriage have been considered marital rape according to some cultures? While we cannot be sure, it seems rather doubtful. At the very least, it may have been viewed differently by some cultures. It seems likely that this is why Meghan camarena has decided to remain married to the man she loves even though she is legally an adult in most states.
