What is the average view count of Isabelle Mark on YouTube? The view count since the last 30 days is 1.4K. To calculate the average Metric, analyze all the recent videos uploaded by Ms. Isabelle Mark. The videos analyzed are from her official YouTube channel, as well as those uploaded by her various other channels.
In our analysis, the most watched videos are those from her official YouTube channel. Surprisingly, very few videos on YouTube had any views from her other channels. Those that did have views came from mainly the United States, Australia and Canada (Asia, India). The country where Isabelle Mark hails from is Mexico, so the other nationalities identified in this study include American (American, German, Brazilian), Chinese (Mandarin Chinese) and Australian (aboriginal Australian, Chinese).
As the second step in our research, we did a Google search to identify the average age for this Isabelle Mark, using the country of origin as the major keyword (see the Google query below). The age of the video uploaded on YouTube did not contain the country of origin of the video maker but provided some information about the individual. Using this information, we could find the median age, gender and other details for users of this channel, using the Internet Research Center database. We found that the median age was 45 years old and there were only 7 men younger than her.