How Did Natasha Parker Get Approved to Date WWE Diva Natalia Romanov?


Natasha Parker is an Australian actress, model and singer, best known for her role as Victoria throughout the series of Spiderman movies. Parker has additionally made a name for herself in the world of stand up comedy, with appearances on numerous sitcoms including King of the Hill and 30 Rock. Recently, Parker was linked to a relationship with WWE star John Cena, however, as with many relationships, there were a number of factors which kept the two apart.

The reasons for the separation are unclear; it is possible that the relationship between Natasha Parker and John Cena was doomed from the start due to the use of incorrect words in their relationship’s tag lines. Further difficulties arose when Natasha Parker failed to acknowledge her Australian citizenship, as required by the law. It seems probable that the confusion over whether or not Ms. Parker is an Australian citizen stemmed from the fact that WWE, who owned the rights to the Spiderman franchise, had originally chosen to promote its character as an American, and not an Australian one. In addition, given Ms. Parker’s height (6 feet, also slightly overweight) and her dual citizenship, which allowed her to live and work in the United States, it may be thought that WWE may have felt that it was safer to promote a character whose real identity was that of an American, rather than risk having the character billed as an “American woman”. In light of the above, it can be seen that confusion over whether or not Natasha Parker truly is an Australian citizen and therefore eligible to use the term “Natasha Parker” while engaged in a dating relationship, was a product of the culture shock that accompanied Natalia Parker’s association with WWE, and the difference in perception that existed between the use of the term “WWE Diva” on television, and using the term “Australia’s finest beauty, Natalia”.

There is no doubt that WWE is an extremely popular wrestling company, and in addition, incredibly successful music act. The question then, as with any celebrity couples that become engaged, is whether or not the legal ramifications will impact negatively on their marriage? A person must take into account that while Natalia Parker is an American, she is also an Australian citizen by birth. The laws governing dual citizenship is significantly more complex in Australia than it is in the United States, so please consult a qualified attorney if you are considering a marriage in order to protect your interests.
