How Did Antonella Cuadrado Become Tall?


Antonella Cuadrado is a dancer, actress and model from Venezuela. Her career spans over eight decades, during which time she won four Emmys and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Music, Original Score (John Corigliano & Paul Corigliano). Her credits also include movies such as Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Chokey Mouse and Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Her height is 6 feet 7 inches tall. The term “Cuidado” literally means “of the coast”. Her nationality is Spanish, however her exact biological parents are not known. The most commonly accepted age for her birth is June 14, 1966.

There is not much that is known about her early childhood years. However, it is assumed that she was very young during the birth of her son. There is some speculation as to whether she may have been adopted or perhaps even became a ward of the government. It is possible that her early profession as a dancer in the nineteen twenties in Venezuela contributed to her increasing height. In any case, she certainly enjoyed a successful and distinguished career in the profession. face with face powder so that people would not see her teeth and then disguise herself by wearing a long black trench coat. This does not mean that she hid her real identity though, as her real name is Antonella Cuadrado, which is Spanish for “rock star”.
