How Did Angie Laliotis Gether Famous?


The star of the new movie “India” starring Hrithik Roshan, Angie Laliotis also known as Auntie Tomy, is set to get a lot more exposure in the coming weeks and months. She has already garnered some critical acclaim for her performance as an aging grandmother in the movie. She plays a vital role in the story of a woman whose legendary past lives splashed across the front pages of newspapers and then become the topic of many fascinating books and subsequent movies. A national treasure of Indian cinema, Laliotis is gradually building up a sizeable body of fans all over the country who are waiting to see her attain worldwide fame and stardom.

The actor’s real name is Amy Laliotis. It was given to her by her late mother, who was very close to her childhood days. Born in Hyderabad, India, she was actually a nickname of her deceased grandmother. Growing up, Amy’s interest in acting began at a very early age with her first performance in a play called “Trenches”. Her experience of working on television shows in India and other countries led her to approach Hollywood as a possible career path. Initially, she had different aspirations but when her friend Indira Vaidya asked her to join the cast of “Babu”, Laliotis decided to give it a shot after which she received critical acclaim for her performance.

Since then, the Indian actress has been portrayed in varied capacities in Hollywood films and TV serials. Though her roles have been confined to minor characters, her popularity is such that she can always be seen as an integral part of any successful Hindi movie. In fact, there is hardly any actress from Hindi films who does not owe her success to Laliotis. Even her own father believes that her acting skill has enabled her to realize her dream of being a national treasure.
