How Broadway Goes Into the Age of Youth


Age and Nationality: Age is going to play a very important factor in determining where this super exciting show ends up at. The National Theater in New York has always used age and nationality to divide actors into specific groups, such as “The Young” for children under five, “The Old” for over sixty-five and “The Very Young” for over seventy-five. If Kubota chooses to play the part of Olivia Kaufmann in “The Age of innocence”, she would be joining the very young “The Young” and “The Old” in the main cast of “The National.”

Height and Partner: Age does not really play such a huge role in this role of Olivia Kaufmann as one would expect from a modern day mother. But in an age where everything is changing, what better to play a mother figure than someone who was raised by her parents as their Queen? The height of “The Age of innocence” is fitting for Kaufmann’s stature as an actress. She is the perfect choice as a lead in a play that can only be played by a seasoned actress. Her beauty as an actress and her ability to sing and act are the best qualities for her to take on the role of lead in “The National.”

Nationality and Age: It is safe to assume that Kaufmann will be playing the role of Queen Anna in “The National” for quite some time. She has every reason to maintain her position as queen for quite a few more years to come. The final performance of her as Mean Girl will most likely happen sometime in the next ten years. The final scene in which she appears with her sister in the audience after receiving her prize should give audiences a clearer picture of what we can expect from Kaufmann in the future. It is safe to say that it will be an awesome performance that will leave audiences spellbound. No doubt about it, Nationality and age do matter in Broadway.
