How Brittney Elena’s Height Has Been Achieved


Brittney Elena is known as the Brazilian height model. She has been posing for many years in many of the fashion magazine covers. This has helped her to have established a good name and she has many fans that are willing to pay for her to keep on doing what she does best. She has been with John Galliano since he started working with her when they both worked together on a project for Universal Studios as an assistant model and then when they moved on to working for Bettie Smith.

This helped them to build a strong personal relationship which has made them even closer when they decided to take their relationship to the next level. When they decided to go for the height concept which was not very common in Brazil, it took a very long time for them to get their idea into the market because people were not sure if it would ever catch on in the sense that height or nationality did not belong in the same sentence. The main reason for this delay is that many models were choosing to do their photos in a style that was very different than what Brittney Elena wanted to do. It is true that Brittney had great success before she decided to do her photo shoot in a very different style and pose but people were afraid that the success that she had in the past might just disappear in case of her trying to do something else totally different.

It is obvious that Brittney did not feel any loss because in fact she found a way to make her career and her name better by being bold and daring in her pose. The success of her career has been so much helped by the fact that she has chosen to do this pose with humor and without any loss of height. Many models who try to be taller try to achieve an exaggerated height which often makes them look ridiculous and not attractive at all. There is no doubt that Brittney has proved that being tall is not a problem and that doing this pose in any type of fashion magazine is always going to make you look much better.
