How Angie Vee Got Her Job


As the owner of a successful Internet marketing agency I get asked daily “what is Angie Vee” and “How did she build her huge client list at such a young age?” The short answer: Nationality. Nationality, like race, serves as a barometer for success, it’s a great barometer of what your personality will project to your potential customers. If you are not fully committed to being honest with your customers about your nationality, age, education, occupation or interests you will be found out.

Angie started as a nanny when her husband left her and she needed the income. She struggled through high school and college, but never quit her nannies job even though the workload was not great. At the age of 32, she moved in with her cousin in order to have some extra money. She worked long hours at the cousin’s house, but still made a full-time salary as an independent contractor. Angie had no idea how Nationality would affect her chances of success. Not realizing that Nationality has more to do with personality than employment, she continued to work long after she had moved into her own home in order to support herself and her cousin.

In conclusion, Nationality is a very big part of success in life. If you want to work in a corporate atmosphere you will need to be honest about your Nationality, if you are not honest about your Nationality, then you will not be successful, period. For example, if you are not tall and white, but really want to be a tall, white, and successful writer then it would be pointless to be dishonest about your height and nationality.
