Hossein Duarte


Hossein Duarte/CNW

The Canadian Centre for Ethics in March released its own report highlighting more than 20 cases where women were allegedly sexually assaulted on campus. It also found “no evidence … that the complaints and recommendations put forth during the sexual assault inquiry led to any changes in policy by the university to protect individuals from sexual assaults on campus.”

It continues: “With this inquiry, the university has had the opportunity to explore the evidence. We have now conducted three full investigations, three review panels, and conducted a number of special research projects … and have found no evidence of systemic changes or reform to any of these policies.”

As for the policy itself, the BCCFE acknowledges the university has had the following options since the inquiry began in 2013: that the “policy be amended or removed; that the policy be amended but not revoked; or that the policy be modified.”

“These options have been on the table for more than two years, with no action being taken,” the BCCFE says. “The government of Canada has provided $20 million to address sexual assault on Canadian university campuses.”

The BCCFE says it will be presenting its report on Wednesday at the University of Victoria.

The report cites a March 2016 document that outlines five recommendations, including the establishment of a campus sexual assault safety and safety panel, “an independent and non-partisan body to address all campus sexual assaults.”

The BCCFE says “the panel, which would address all sexual assaults and any questions that may come up, would be responsible for oversight regarding the implementation” of its recommendations.

“It is critical for both the university and the government to work together to ensure a safe culture among students and that sexual assault is not tolerated,” it says.

“The BCCFE believes that the government of Canada has the responsibility to take the appropriate action to ensure that women have access to education and a safe learning environment.”

Hossein Duarte

Location: Mexico City , Mexico
Company: HCA Healthcare