Hip Hop and Rap Fashion Trends


Rappers are also known for consistently laying down fashion trends with their distinct fashion styles. Some of their most notorious ideas have been utterly shocking and scream “Take note!” Others simply wear certain trends to send a strong message to prospective fans. But some rappers go far beyond these things by constantly referring to current trends in the media, making them even more of an influential force to reckon with.

One of the most recent trends to hit the streets is that of hip-hop and rap jewelry. Some rappers have brought the popularity back by wearing rare and vintage pieces such as gold chains, rhinestone earrings, and silver jewelry. Artists like Jay Z, Lil Kim, 50 cents, and others have made this trend even more popular through their association with popular brands like Reebok, PED, and other well-known brands from the streets of New York. Even fashion websites like GQ and InStyle have written about the importance of hip-hop and rap jewelry for today’s fashion conscious hip-hop consumer.

Hip-hop and rap music have been an integral part of popular culture for decades now, and it seems that they’ll never stop evolving. From vintage trends to new fashions and everything in between, we can expect this style of fashion to be prevalent for years to come. With rap artists influencing fashion choices in major cities all over the world, it seems as if this form of music will stay in demand for the foreseeable future. With or without these hip-hop and rap music influences, we can’t deny the fact that this type of clothing makes for a fun and trendy look that’s sure to become immensely popular amongst today’s youth.
