Heightism And The Nationality Card


Casey Wojtalewicz is perhaps one of the brightest Polish celebrities currently, with an unprecedented 14-year break in Britain and appearances in a number of high profile TV shows and movies. He has managed to reinvent himself time again, building a reputation for being both sassy and versatile, often playing characters with an intelligence far beyond his years, yet always retaining an engaging attitude and sense of humour. Born in Poland, Wojtalewicz first gained attention as a child when his father took him to see the London Philharmonic. Although at first unsure about his chosen profession, Wojtalewicz attended the Royal Academy of Music in nearbyoles and studied classical guitar before going on to work with a string quartet and a number of choirs over the years.

After retirement from the music industry Wojtalewicz began acting, playing the cynical Nationality Card alongside Christopher Walken in the film; Good Vittles and then appearing in the sitcom Father Ted, playing the sympathetic figure Father Kelso. But it was his portrayal of Casey Shenk in the hit film The Ring – based on the book by Neil Gaiman – that really catapulted him into the limelight, with fans including director Bill Plympton and actor Robin Williams himself having great things to say about Wojtalewicz. After a series of highly successful films, the actor became known as the Nationality Card, with his trademark round faced look that was distinctly not his own. However, following a highly public relationship with British actor Chris Evans, which fizzled out, Wojtalewicz once more chose to pursue an acting career, playing the part of a Russian mobster in the action film The Invaders. While the part saw the actor playing a villain, this did not stop him being nominated for an academy award and winning a Golden Globe for his work.

So what does the Nationality Card have to do with heights? Height is an inborn trait and can be influenced by genetic factors, but not without external stimuli. Heightism is when a person considers their height to be an indication of success or beauty and seeks to enhance it through various means. Some people will resort to wearing clothing larger than normal, others will try and fast to grow inches, while still others will stand at a buffet table in stilettos looking at pictures of supermodels to try and emulate. The Nationality Card might seem like an unlikely source of inspiration, but if you look closely there are plenty of examples of people displaying strange and uncharacteristic behaviour to attempt to impress others. It might all just be a case of trying a little harder to look presentable!
