Heightened Nationality by Kate Pearce


Heightened Nationality, profession and the word success are three words that can be found in the title of KatePearce’s latest novel. The name of the author is quite appropriate, as this book is all about growing up with identity issues and how the pressures of being “real” and living life to the fullest can sometimes take its toll on an individual. At times, Kate’s mother’s occupation can be seen as controlling, almost obsessive, yet Kate discovers that her mum is not the only one who puts limits on her life, there are others like her parents who are also vying for control of Kate’s future. In the process of growing up, Kate also discovers her true identity: she is the beautiful Nelly, a Jamaican beauty who has wised up to the time to recognize that being herself is better than pretending to be someone else.

Heightened Nationality follows Kate as she meets new friends, struggles with identity issues, meets a rich and interesting man, falls in love and encounters marital problems. Nationality, work, height and celebrity are Kate’s major preoccupations but these do not overshadow her desire to be accepted as she is. The struggles Kate goes through in her quest for personal happiness are further highlighted when her status as a British citizen is threatened by the British government for the simple reason that Kate is not a British citizen by birth. This causes Kate to reconsider her options and explore the various opportunities that exist for people born outside the UK such as the Irish passport.

Heightened Nationality by Kate Pearce does not offer easy guidelines to those wishing to travel to the other country, however it is a well thought out story that gives very good insights into what it takes to be a successful and happy immigrant. The characters in this novel are portrayed so realistically that you can almost feel for them as they make mistakes along the way. The book is a quick read and you will finish it easily because there is very little content within its pages. The author does a good job of setting up each character clearly and creating an atmosphere of warmth throughout the text.
