Height Versatility – The Key Considerations In Hiring A Partner For Your Business


Partnering with Dana Donofree is an excellent idea for both individuals and companies looking to hire the right professional. As a long time employee of a local accounting firm, I have spent many hours interviewing and learning more about each of the candidates they’ve hired over the years. I have interviewed several of them for national firms and as an independent consultant. After learning so much about each of them, I have noticed one common thread: Each candidate has lived his or her nationality and/or occupation for many years and is very familiar with the business climate and practices.

From a business perspective, it makes sense to select someone who is familiar with the local practices, tax codes, litigators and judges in the locale. If you want a National Solicitor with intimate knowledge of the IRS, your business could benefit tremendously by hiring an attorney with national credentials. From a personal perspective, I think it’s great when a Partner knows so much about their client’s background and interests; however, I believe that selecting a Partner solely on their education level may not be the wisest decision for the company.

When searching for a Partner to retain, I believe it’s important to consider how your business will grow, whether there are any issues currently impacting your business, the likely amount of time your partner will be available and their level of experience. Regardless of their education, height or nationality, if a Partner cannot manage or lead a team of lawyers and successfully navigate the ever-changing business landscape including personal relationships they will not achieve their full potential in the profession. A Partner should be capable of handling a wide range of tasks and bring exceptional interpersonal skills to the role; however, if you’re looking for a Partner with more specific skills and more experience I suggest looking for a partner with a Graduate degree specializing in Business Law or with experience working in a white-collar criminal defense firm.
