Height Question – Was it a Choice Or Was She Meant to Be Tall?


There is a question of truth and falsity in regards to Paola Torres. She has been referred to as the “Diva of Dance” and has made major achievements in her field. However, there is a certain side to her that is very much under question. Height questions aside (and it should not be), it is certainly easy to see why some may be curious as to whether or not she had been chosen by chance or if her selection was truly a choice made by her heart.

In her first major appearance on American television, she made a very large impression on the audience. At first, her voice is hard to hear over the screaming screams of the baby in her womb, but after a few moments you are able to make out the words coming from her lips. Her beauty, poise, and grace definitely grabbed the hearts of everyone watching. But her personal brand was also on display as her first performance was stunning. It was obvious from the reaction of everyone that she was a very confident and assured young woman who was ready to take on the world.

After that performance, it was obvious that this young dancer had a lot of confidence. The next appearance only reinforced those views of hers. When the camera caught up with her, all of the sudden Paola looked almost pained as she struggled to hold the same height as the other women who were standing before her. Yet, she looked nothing like the others she was tall, elegant, and stunningly beautiful.
