Height Problems?


Isabela Moraes has a Height Problem. Her father, Marcial was shorter than her mother, Blanca de Moraes was also short. She was born in Brazil and looks like the many other Brazilians that are considered the ‘shortest people on earth’ by their genes. Her Height is an interesting case as her parents lived in the United States and she is not legally a US citizen according to what her birth certificate states.

Her height is problematic as she explains how it affects her life as a working woman and as a wife and mother. Being Brazilian and being short does not give one a good image, for many other women her height does not stop them from marrying and bearing children. She has many admirers both here in Brazil and the United States but not all are happy about her height. It seems that many of them have a view of her as being below standard, as being ‘half American’ despite her birth country, as well as being a product of the broken international marriage system.

One day she had to visit her half American, Portuguese American and Japanese American partner. She was raised in Brazil as an only child and her partner is half Brazilian and half American. Isabela was deeply offended by the insults and hurtful comments made regarding her height by her partner. She believes that being Brazilian and American is a perfect match, but she needs to speak up and speak out for herself and not be cowed by the many that would view her as lesser than her partner because of her lack of height.
