Height Or Nationality – Is Love Always A Good Thing?


For a man who stands at 6′ 3″ and weighs in at 170 pounds, Alastair Casey is certainly on the taller side. He has been known to be slightly on the heavy side, but he has always been willing to work with his clients to create an atmosphere that will enable them to reach their maximum height potential. Alastair’s partner, Craig Smallwood, is another tall man, standing at 6′ 2″ and weighing in at just over 180 pounds. Their relationship has also played out in the gym, where both men have gone toe to toe in an effort to achieve maximum height. Height or lack thereof has never been a factor for Craig and Alastair, and they both enjoy a fruitful and satisfying relationship due to their commitment to their height.

Height or nationality is not a huge factor in their love life. While Craig sometimes feels insecure about his height, Alastair understands that it’s simply a part of who he is. They enjoy being tall and proud (despite being nearly six feet in height themselves) and look forward to sharing physical experiences with their partner. The couple have even held hands in public, although many people would view that as a risky proposition. This can be seen as a testament to both men’s strong willpower and desire to be successful in their chosen field of endeavor: bodybuilding.

Many professional bodybuilders make it their business to talk about the importance of working on both height and nationality. Few do so with such humor as Alastair, who not only discusses his own height but points out that many of today’s biggest and strongest men are, in fact, short. As the father of three children, there may be many different factors that contribute to why Alastair and Craig’s relationship has lasted so long. It all starts with how they each think, act, and deal with their height.
