Height Mystery Shopper


Winner of the 2021 Satellite TV Woman’s Choice, Juliana Pavan is a Miami-Dade County Judge who was born and raised in Homestead. She has been described as having an “amazing presence” and as a “courtroom fierce”. Her many awards include being a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Florida Hispanic Media Awards, a mention on People Magazine’s 50 Best List, an Orlando Magazine Readers Choice, a Satellite Awards finalist, and the recipient of the Satellite TV Personality of the Year from the American Society of Cosmetic Surgeons. Judge Pavan is also the founder of the Justine’s Scarsale Fund, which helps women with scars get access to affordable quality clothing.

Height mystery shopper and professional investigator, Partner, were last seen in the television series Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. Partner was the first major cosmetic surgery franchise, offering an array of surgical procedures for those seeking aesthetic enhancement or augmentation. In the series, Partner wore a short-term, synthetic, adornment garment covering her new breast, which made her appear taller. Her partner, played by Jennifer Lopez, frequently wore a similarly styled shirt, to add some degree of association between their characters. The premise behind the show, and its central character, Partner, was that a woman must be capable of wearing a certain style of clothing while still maintaining her nationalities and her profession.

As a Height mystery shopper and professional investigator, Partner is described as a hard-working, loving wife and mother who prefer to look at the brighter side of life. On the show, she was shown wearing a revealing, off-the-shoulder dress on the day that their second child was born. However, when her client came in to have her appendix removed, she showed her client discomfort and regret, saying that it was the most painful thing she had ever had to do. One can easily assume that as a Height mystery shopper and professional investigator, Partner would take a more caring and nurturing attitude toward her clients, especially those from the medical profession. Height mystery shoppers are also asked to evaluate whether or not their clients are happy with their surgical treatment, or if they wish to change doctors.
