Height lengthening โ€“ A Love Story


Ms. Yasmin Mills is a talented performer, teacher, activist and suffragist, living in Cleveland, Ohio. She has dedicated her life to advancing civil rights, social justice and ending structural racism and sexism in all forms; through her professional achievements, community involvement and her prolific writing; she is one of the few women in history to achieve all these in her untimely early years. As a former segregationist, she broke with the politically correct crowd and sought to bring about change in peopleโ€™s lives; her efforts have borne fruit as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is now an agency which she heads. With all this said, it is significant that Ms. Mills showcases her talents as a height lengthener through her own engaging life story; an example of how height lengthening can be done by overcoming stereotypes and barriers to success.

The premise of the story revolves around a young woman who stands out from the crowd at a party. Despite looking very fit, she is dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, she is shy and looks like a furious college student. All of the other party goers treat her like one of the men, comments are made on how good she looks, as if she were the spawn of an alien from planet Alpha Quadrant. Her only friend is another young woman, who stands by her; the other girl comments that she looks even younger than Yasmin, which causes her to lash out in a fit of anger and hurt her good friend.

As it turns out, Yasminโ€™s physical resemblance to an alien is not quite as close as one might think; she does have blue eyes, though darker than most humans. What is remarkable is that she was raised as an African American in a predominantly white environment, yet managed to find herself falling in love with a fellow black American. Through a series of trials and tribulations, the author shows us how embracing oneโ€™s racial identity can enhance personal relationships; how race alone cannot serve as the determinant of a loving relationship.
