Height Issues and British Citizenship for Anna Astrup, Partner in Crime – Part 2


Anna Astrup was born in Norway but raised in England. She is of British nationality but looks national, as claimed by her publicist, Linda Sarsour, who has been representing Astrup since 2021, and has called her, among other things, “a shining example of an ordinary girl who went on to be a celebrity.” Sarsour claims that Astrup’s fame is partly due to her personal magnetism; she is not particularly close by blood but instead is “just a real person who found herself in the right place at the right time.”

Height is also an interesting point of debate between Anna and Sarsour. While talking with the website I mentioned above, it was suggested that Astrup could become eligible for British citizenship through her partner having dual citizenship and thus able to reside in the UK while maintaining her Norwegian citizenship. In this case, if Anna’s partner were to have a criminal record, they would automatically lose their British citizenship. If her partner were to be convicted of a serious offence such as child abuse, it might also lead to their removal from the country. So, does this mean that Anna Astrup would be committing a crime by dating a Norwegian and then taking up a British citizenship?

The short answer to this question is no. The law on dual citizenship is very complicated and varies enormously from country to country, but if you’re looking at a potential height problem, or plan on visiting the country where you have roots, it might be something to consider. However, it would seem to be unlikely that this would be a problem for either Sarsour or Astrup, given that they are both committed to their roles as public figures and are thus well aware of their obligations to uphold their roles as citizens of their countries.
