Height Increasing Secrets – Maria Emmerich


Maria Emmerich is an internationally recognized fitness expert and nutritionist with a Master’s degree in public health from the University of Washington. Her background is in exercise physiology and nutritional science. She is passionate about helping others achieve their personal goals of optimum health through healthy lifestyle choices. She struggled with her weight during childhood and felt that enough was enough.

Maria finally realized her full height potential at fifty years of age, through the support of her husband and his encouragement. It wasn’t until she experienced menopause that she finally began to understand the many physical benefits of living a quality, healthy lifestyle. After that, Maria had a hard time getting back to her pre-pregnancy weight and was dismayed when no amount of strenuous exercise could help reduce or get rid of her extra weight.

As her frustration increased with no positive results and a looming obesity challenge, Maria turned to Dr. David Katz, a nationally recognized leader in the field of identical and complementary medicines. Dr. Katz created a comprehensive program that includes nutrition education and counseling as well as a personal training program in nutrition and weight loss. This program transformed Maria into a new positive role model in the arena of height increasing and focused diet and nutrition. She has gone on to become an instructor in basic nutrition at local community colleges, a consultant for several companies, a writer and speaker and is currently working with a nutrition and physical therapy management company.
