Height Increase Via the Law of Attraction


Sandra Rieder is the author of several books on relationships and the physical fitness industry. In her new book, “Revelation,” she shares her dating secrets, discusses how to stay healthy during your marriage, and gives some great advice for how to increase your height. Height and the Law of Attraction apply here as well, so if you are looking for a way to be more attractive to your partner, this is an excellent book to read.

Rieder begins her law of attraction series with a simple question: “How important are height and gender to you?” Following the answer, she explains why certain heights or genders are more important than others for dating or long-term relationships. For instance, tall women often get passed over in favor of shorter ones because they are seen as a sex symbol, not as a potential partner for tall men. She explains that this is not the case in her surveys, but is only an opinion. Height and sex, however, are very important to both short and tall men and women. The good news is that you can use the law of attraction to help yourself get into the right partner and the right relationship.

After describing dating and relationships in detail, Rieder provides her own solution for a height increase. There are actually two solutions offered in “Revelation,” one physical and one emotional. Although Rieder does not discuss specific products or exercises, she does provide a link to a website that offers a complete guide to boosting your height. You can order the book on its own from Amazon, download the e-book, or buy it on eBay. In all of these formats, you will receive a set of great tips to increase your height.
