Height Genetics & Nationality – Do They Play a Role in Love Choices?


Sandra Strobel was one of my favorite teachers in the English department at school. While she was funny and engaging, I found her to be very smart. Her books on American literature made me long for the day when we would read them together, for I longed to feel like “the person” in her stories. Her Nationality and Age issues do not really detract from her greatness as a teacher, though I am certain that there were times where she did make me feel old (even though I am seventy-nine). Her Nationality issue did not bother me that much, since we seldom discussed that topic with her.

My other main beef with Sandra Strobel’s writing is that she seems to think all teachers are stupid. This was not my first experience with her, though I believe that it may have been my last. For example, she thinks all teachers are dumb because all their students are short. Short people obviously do not write very well, so teachers must be stupid! Even if that were true, it would not make me like her or want to be her student teacher.

I do not know whether or not Sandra Strobel was trying to say that height is genetic, but it does fit with her point that some height genes are passed down. Height is definitely something you can’t buy; however, when it comes to your Nationality, age, and even how attractive you are, Nationality will probably not matter as much as the way you dress. Age may make you look older than you actually are, but Nationality will always have more of an impact on how your looks. So my final verdict is: Yes, Sandra Strobel was right about Nationality and age.
