Height Genetics – How to Maximize Your Chances With a Height Chart Matching


Maria Litti is the creator of the height charting service ‘itability charts’; an online site which shows you your exact height, age and weight relative to your peers in your country or community. She was once a tall (and slightly overweight) bar attendant in her native Naples, Italy; but since immigrating to Australia, she has settled into a more sedate life in Hobart, Tasmania. But now, having spent much time in her very own country, she is back in the game, penning her own dating profiles and helping those seeking love and companionship find their partners. In her own words: ‘I’m an Australian, most commonly of Italian decent, but my real name is Maria Litti, which gives me the freedom to write about my own life in my own terms.’

The Height Genuity system uses an advanced algorithm to determine your exact height and weight; based on information from you, the client, and your own records. It then compares this information against data provided by the likes of the height and weight charts it pulls up in its Google image search results for similar people within your community. For instance, if you are tall and thin, or if your partner is tall and athletic, then the system will identify you as ‘average’ and your partner as ‘under average’. From this, your prospective partner’s likelihood of being compatible with you increases significantly.

It is important to note that HeightGenuity does not provide marriage proposals on its own. You will still need to use the tools on the website to write a marriage proposal e-mails, accompany it with a photo of yourself both posed in front of the same height and using the system to determine your exact height. This ensures that you will appear on the Height chart – ensuring you are more compatible with your partner. You’ll have the chance to choose whether you want to see the ‘average’ listed or the ‘under average’ when browsing through your own partner’s files; and will have the opportunity to see what the ‘over average’ would look like, helping you write a more attractive marriage proposal e-mail.
