Height Factor – A Nationality Factor


On the set of the National Geographic Show “Discovery Channel’s” Search Your Marriage, Lisa Lea, the tall one, shows a lot of promise. She proudly states that her great-grandmother was one of the last people in the United States to use the eight-inch height scale. Apparently, this made her feel very proud. As she is genetically predisposed to height, Lisa seems destined to be tall. But, how does her personality manifest itself in proportions?

Lisa is a natural-born tall woman. Her father is six feet, ten inches; her mother, by the way, is also tall and just happens to be a professional tennis player. That may account for the difference in her height. Her best friend is a few inches taller than her, although they are not necessarily of the same race.

Height has always been a major point of distinction between the races, but more so between the genders. Height is not a particularly high concern for most men, and if they have any issue with their height it is usually to do with lifting weights or having an unusual physique. However, a large number of women have issues with their height, especially if they are of a certain nationality or country, such as the United States. Fortunately, there are ways to work through those concerns. Height genetics can play a role, but if your parents are fairly tall (such as myself) you have nothing to worry about.
