Height Does Matter in Hollywood – Where Do Celebrities Stand on the Height Spectrum?


When I heard about Dana Drori, I was intrigued by her name as a performer and even her acting prowess. I liked her resume as a model and what I thought of her acting skills. I also like people of different races, different ages and different Nationalities. When I read her bio on the net, it made me think that she might be an ideal partner for me in the future. The height difference is quite interesting. Height does not seem to be a problem in Hollywood, but it may be a problem in other professions.

If there are no height restrictions in Hollywood, then why is it that Dana Drori is so tall? Maybe, people like tall people? But it looks like the ‘Cultural norms’ apply in most fields of work.

Height may be one of the deciding factors, if someone wants to be with a certain person. Height will determine how much you will have to pay and will determine your lifestyle, whether you can date, get along with your partner and the quality of relationships you can have. Height does affect the relationship potential greatly and height difference may be what separates you and your partner. So height does matter, but is it the only important factor?
