Height Does Count For Much in an Acting Career


Nationality or descent, there are few more prominent features of Juliana King than her height. When casting a casting director’s eye toward a prospect, one looks not only to the height of that individual but how that person can maintain himself or herself physically and mentally in order to fulfill the part. If the prospective star fails to meet these criteria, then he or she should definitely not be considered for the part.

The first criteria is simply being proportionate in size. It is not the size one is; rather, it is the ability to maintain one’s dignity when presenting oneself to the world. As far as this aspect of human existence goes, King possesses an enviable combination of stature. Not very big by historical standards, but certainly towering over her counterparts in the acting profession, King displays surprising strength of character and the courage to maintain one’s integrity even in the face of adversity.

The second criteria is the extent of his education. King is a product of an educated mother and a deeply religious upbringing. It is those aspects of her personality, which allows her to play with the role of a true actress. In any capacity, whether she is playing the lead role in a musical or playing the lead role in a drama, it is her versatility as a performer which allows her to maintain her integrity as a human being. It is this combination of a heart-driven desire to excel in any role she attempts as well as the intelligence which allows her to succeed where others have failed; it is this combination of all these aspects which make Juliana King the finest actor to ever grace our screens.
