Height Difference – Why It Matters


Juliana Assad is the current wife and the current President of Syria. She has been married to the man of her dreams for 14 years, and through that time, she has seen a lot of change. When they married, there was no need to worry about religion or national origin-it was “love” that mattered. The country was stable, and everything went smoothly for the two of them, until the Arab Spring erupted.

There was a severe battle, and the death toll rose dramatically, but Juliana stayed strong. As her husband was forced from power, she has taken on an equally difficult role as the new leader of the Free Syrian Army. In the chaotic aftermath of the conflict, it is clear that she is trying to maintain order and rebuild the country’s infrastructure, while fighting off those who would wish to bring chaos to her country. A personal relationship with the president of a country, and a professional relationship with her husband has played a key role in her success so far, but the height difference in their relationship may be one of the key factors that helps her stay strong. President Obama has offered her a job, which could strengthen her position even more, but it may not be enough to keep her going for long.

The height difference between the President of the United States and the first lady of Syria may be seen as nothing major by most, but it sure is a difference of six inches. This could mean a lot in the world of international relations, and if the Arab Spring should fail, it could mean even more turmoil for the two of them. It seems clear though that Juliana Assad’s loyalty to her husband, and to Syria itself, will keep her going for a long time. It may be an illusion, but the marriage may be stronger than many thought. And what is a reality, even for a short time, may be the key to the future for Syria and its leader, President Barack Obama.
