Height Difference: The Truth About Asian Women in High Places


Sandra Choi’s latest book,” Height Difference: The Truth about Asian Women in High Places,” provides practical advice and an easy-to-follow approach to achieving success in personal and professional life. This book is a refreshing look at issues that many people face; including ageism, body size, cultural differences, racial prejudices, and misconceptions about one’s own appearance. In addition to providing solutions, “Height Difference” encourages readers to think critically and compassionately about issues of race, ethnicity, and body size.

At times, it can be overwhelming for some people when they realize that they are bigger or shorter than someone else in a given job or social situation. Although this problem is quite common, solutions exist, and “Height Difference” provides solid advice that anyone can follow. Choosing the right partner, for example, can be complicated; and dealing with being attracted to someone of a different race or ethnicity can cause serious dating problems for both partners. Another common issue is the career choice; although most people realize that there are many different choices available, some people continue to fail in their careers. Fortunately, “Height Difference” addresses these important topics and shows how to choose the best career for a specific individual based on his or her height and interests.

The problem of height discrepancies begins with the premise that someone might be attracted to another person of a different stature but might not feel the same way toward her. However, there are other equally valid reasons why an individual may fail to find his or her partner. As a result, it’s important for an individual to consider his or her attractions and the differences between them before making a commitment to anyone else. In addition, people should always use common sense and good judgment when meeting prospective partners in order to avoid relationships that will have long-lasting negative effects.
