Height Difference – The Nationality of Adriana Francisco in ‘The Biggest Loser’ Revealed


Recently, Adriana Francisco, a contestant on the popular reality show “The Biggest Loser” faced off against her former partner Carlos Menza for the championship belt at the weigh-in. The two women walked into the ring not speaking a word to one another for the first few seconds before walking off to their respective corners. It’s hard to say what was the cause of this slight verbal exchange, but it is certain that the height difference did come into play in their match. Height is a definite advantage for many wrestlers and that certainly should be considered whenever two wrestling competitors are set to face off in the ring.

In many ways, the height difference is a major disadvantage for women in the professional wrestling game. If height is a significant advantage for your wrestling partner, it might be a good idea to reconsider entering a match with them, even if it means losing in the big stage. It would certainly be better to get accustomed to competing against a wrestler who is, in actuality, just a little taller than you are, since a height difference would most likely mean victory or defeat.

One way to overcome height disadvantage is by learning to compensate for height in your wrestling repertoire. For example, many wrestlers learn to perform a head butt or a low blow on taller opponents as a way of winning a match by a significant margin. If you have never worked on your height to advance your wrestling performance, then it might best for you to practice practicing these techniques against a wrestler of a similar height to you, in order to build up your confidence in doing so. It might take some time and patience, but you’ll find yourself advancing in the ring much more quickly when you are confident in your ability to handle larger and taller competition.
