Height Difference or No Height Difference – Angelica Ocampo


One of the most popular figures in the National Comedy Hall of Fame is Angelica Ocampo. Born in Brooklyn, New York, Angelica grew up with her two siblings, Hispanic foster parents. Her siblings were later exposed to the life that Angelica knew as a foster child, when her biological mother passed away and left the family in need of a good home for her unborn son. With her siblings all already exposed to the life she knew as a foster child, Angelica found that there was a void in her life that was being filled by the man she would marry in her life – Richard Shaw.

Growing up in foster care, and even her early years out of high school, made Angelica aware of the many different races, nationalities, and sexual orientations that people of her descent had. She was a very well rounded person who did not focus too much on physical attributes and was not attracted to height. (In fact, in her first performance on Broadway, she played the character of Rosalind Lorman, a woman who was two inches tall). In fact, according to biographer Louis Sullivan, Angelica Ocampo once said that she didn’t worry about getting taller, because she was just worried about being happy. The play she was in at the time was focused around happiness and love.

Despite her quote in that it didn’t bother her about her height, Angelica Ocampo has definitely been blessed with height. In her day, people focused more on how much money they had, and less on how tall they were. But with the help of her role models and other people who have come before, Angelica Ocampo has managed to use her height advantage to reach an audience of millions, all because of the way she presented herself.
