Height Difference Means Different Things For Different People


Born in Grenada, Caroline O’donoghue is a Grenadian-born and raised citizen. She is described as having light skin tone with long straight brown hair; she is also described as being attractive and has the facial features of an angel. Her face is framed with thick eyebrows that are very prominent, accentuated by her lips that tout an enviable charm. The woman in profile has medium height, with a slim waistline, big breasts, and a shapely body, all of which are accentuated by her nationalities. This article will focus on the height issue and examine some of the many attributes which are associated with the nationalities of the person involved.

According to a profile put out by the Grenada News Agency, “Caroline O’donoghue is described as having the attributes of an angel, being smart, gentle, kind, honest, beautiful, modest, ambitious and extremely loving. She is described as passionate about her profession; she is devoted to her job and loves her profession. She is described as very honest, caring and as giving in helping others. In looking at the profession of the television presenter, it is clear that she enjoys the glamour of it and adores the attention that it brings to her life.” The agency goes on to say that she loves working with a positive attitude, loves challenges, enjoys humor and has the courage to succeed against all odds.

The background of this woman is well documented, and her parents are described as being originally from Barbados. It is therefore no surprise that her nationality or ethnicity is listed as Caribbean. The Grenadian passport lists her nationality as Caribbean, but does not go into detail as to what her nationality is. Many publications, including the World Health Organization (WHO), have listed her nationality as American; however, this is not confirmed. This brings us back to our discussion of the height difference between Caroline O’donoghue and Sarah Joseph, who were the same age as the former.
