Abigail Kimberly is not the first tall woman to try an extreme diet and exercise program in order to increase her height. She is not the first woman to try such an approach either. Height is a consideration for many men and women, so it is understandable that there are so many different opinions about the best way to increase oneโs height. Some people believe that age is a factor. The fact that an increasing number of the worldโs population is getting older could mean that more of them will have an increased need for tall people in their life, including their partners and relatives.
Height and age do tend to go hand in hand, although height difference does run more towards genetic factors than anything else. It could be in the genes, but the height can be altered by making small lifestyle changes that can really make a difference. For example, being taller than your partner can be as simple as wearing shorter pants when you are with him. This is especially true if he is tall himself, so if he wants to be tall as well, all he needs to do is wear the right type of clothing under his own clothing. He will notice immediately that your stature has changed.
A major downside to any height difference program is the potential for abuse. Abigail Kimberly may have had her height advantage over her date because she is a few inches taller, but if she used some sort of enhancement product, such as a particular cream or lotion that is advertised specifically for increasing height, she could end up with side effects that are worse than her height difference! Her potential abuser had better be sure he is not going outside of his home to expose himself to danger, otherwise he could be putting his family at risk. If you are considering some sort of height-enhancing product, you should always research it thoroughly before you buy, in order to avoid any health risks.