Height Difference in a Marriage


Erika Aguilera is an actress and model from Spain. She has appeared in some very popular films including “Guerilla”, “Elaine”. As a performer, Erika has generally been successful, but her height difference has often been the cause of friction between her husband.

There have been several reported instances in which the length of Erika’s skirts has been the cause of tension in their relationship and to be fair, sometimes it can be hard to keep your head where your heart may be, but it seems to happen less over time. Perhaps it is because she looks good in what she wears. Whatever the reason, it does not change the fact that she is an attractive woman, and that many men find her attractive enough to want to be with her anyway. It is perhaps the height difference that is the main sticking point in their relationship. When Erika’s husband, Mario, tries to propose to her, she knows she will not be able to go through with it unless he agrees to shave his pubic hair.

For those of you reading this who are not familiar with the term “peacock” hair, it comes from the art of European fencing. The point being that it adds an offensive flair to any outfit. For this reason, the height difference which is presented by Erika as part of her professional career may be seen as offensive to some men. Regardless, height differences in a relationship are not as big of an issue as many couples make them out to be, and it is fair for Erika to accept her limitations and do her job as an artist while living her life as an actress in her chosen profession.
