Height Difference – How Tall Do Athletes Really Appear?


Casey Starchak, a professional in the sports management field, became infatuated with one of the players from our Ohio State University, Darrius Heyward-Bey. This happened during the early morning practices in the fall of 2021. He and other sports figured were competing for the same attention of college athletes from all across the country. I remember sitting in the press box as he gave interviews to various networks after practice. He had on this dark slant eye contact and was dressed in the uniform of OSU, which I assumed must be considered “cool” by these college kids.

After the practice was over, we went outside to the parking lot. I was expecting a normal conversation between a college student and a professional athlete, or so I thought. But, instead I met Casey Starchak, a man in his mid-thirties who seemed to prefer to call himself a “writer” or “entrepreneur”. I asked him what he did for a living and he said he worked as an assistant to a regional talent scout in Youngstown, Ohio. I never thought much about him other than that he was a tall guy, but it turns out that he was quite good at what he did – interviewing people. He had the job title of regional talent scout, yet when I met him he told me he specialized in “height difference”.

A short height difference, that is all. He told me all the places I could find articles on it and how to find athletes of different heights to work with. Now, I should mention that height is not the only thing that some professional athletes want you to know about themselves. In fact, height is not even the most important thing when it comes to being professional, but it sure is one of the most popular. But, no matter how much they want you to know, I doubt that Starchak has any secrets that you haven’t heard of already. So if you ever meet this guy, I’m guessing you’ll get the same results as I did.
