Height Difference For Women


Maria Amanda is a thirty two-year-old woman who has been married to her husband since 1985 and has always felt very happy with the relationship. In fact, she considers herself very much Spanish by birth as her parents are Puerto Rican and her biological father is of Portuguese decent. The reason that Maria feels this way is because she was always raised to think of herself as Spanish by birth. Maria had always longed for the height which came naturally with growing up in Spain as a child but this did not happen. She has however come to appreciate her height and what it brings to her life.

Maria’s own feeling about her height does not seem to be shared by her husband. He still feels that she is not tall enough for him and often times will comment on the clothes that he buys her. Maria finds this very odd as her mother always used to say that she would always have to be the smallest in the family. Maria often does not wear clothes which her mother suggested as her size is too small. Her friends though often comment on how tall she is and tell her that her husband probably just does not see her that way because of her height.

Maria does feel that as time goes on she will get older and her body will adjust to her newly found Spanish nationality. She is however adamant that she feels very happy with her height and wants to live her life to the full. Her national origin and marriage are a reason why she feels this way are very clear to her, though she does admit that there is always the small reminder of her Spanish background in her everyday life. As she nears her sixtieth birthday however there seems to be some apprehension and doubt as to whether she should be celebrating it or not. She knows that with her husband’s thinking and body language she is too close to being considered over the hill.
