Height Difference Between Casey Conway and David Thomas


Casey Conway is an Australian national, former rugby league player of Australian Aboriginal descent who currently is an openly gay human rights advocate. He was previously a professional rugby league player with the Newcastle Knights. After his rugby retirement in 2021 because of a torn rotator cuff, he revealed to the media that he was gay. He is a Youth Program Manager for the Salvation Army and also works as an outreach worker for homeless children in the Sydney area. Casey is a strong believer in the “rights of the outcast”. He believes that every person has the right to love who they are and to be comfortable with who they are.

In 2021, Casey Conway moved to New York with his partner David Thomas to live with him in Shea, Long Island. The couple was expecting a baby but had trouble conceiving and did not get pregnant. David told the press that Casey had told him he was black on their first date. After the couple got married, David Thomas died of a heart attack caused by being crushed by a train at the age of thirty-three.

After living in New York City for twelve years, Casey Conway moved back to Australia where he has settled in Adelaide as a Chef and Owner of Beehive BBQ restaurants. He has remained active in the charity and community work in order to remain close to his roots as a rugby league player and human rights advocate. He married fellow Adelaide native Michelle Marks in 2021. Her parents are prominent members of the Liberal party in the country.
