Height Difference and Your Partner


Sandra Dodon is an award winning author with many books to her credit including her most recent, “The Pinch.” She is a National Geographic explorer and was previously a practicing psychotherapist. She has spent decades researching relationships and the effects of aging on people in general. In her latest book, she delves into the fascinating world of the female mind. Her vast knowledge of human behavior, and how it relates to relationships, can be applied to finding better love and a more fulfilling relationship.

I had written in my last article about how height difference can affect the health of an individual. In this one, I would like to take the topic of relationships and apply it to height differences. It seems that there are more reasons for partners to grow apart since the advent of height disparity in society. Although there has been minimal change in social policies regarding interracial marriage, which still allows for segregation by ethnicity, there have been significant strides in the realm of relationships between individuals of different races and ethnicities. Growing apart due to race or ethnicity can be very hurtful to relationships. One does not always realize that growing apart because of race or ethnicity can actually cause two people to grow further apart in their thinking and emotions.

As a professional in the field of counseling, I have seen many people fall out of love with each other as a result of a relationship with someone who is of a different stature than they are. More often than not, the individuals concerned do not realize that the relationship would have been much happier if they had been aware of the depth of their partner’s height difference. As a result, they continue to live in a state of denial and frustration. This is a pattern that can be broken by taking the time to discuss potential relationships with a person’s counselor. If a potential partner is not willing to discuss possible height differences, there will be no opportunity for you to help them resolve these issues. Therefore, I would urge everyone, especially those in a relationship, to discuss potential height differences with their partner prior to making any type of commitment.
