Height Difference and Sexual Attraction


Height: Age, sex and Nationality: Adriana Consuelos is a petite woman of average height; however she boasts of an extremely large (not bulkier) bust, with the long leg length an indication of her good shape. She looks like one of those super models that you see on magazine covers and even shows up in the latest ones. Her height and weight are very much compatible; she has been married to a man twice her age and has had children, and still maintains a modest figure. Height is not a determining factor in relationship success for most men; however if it is an important consideration in your search for a taller partner then you should certainly consider this consideration.

Age: She is clearly in her mid-thirties; however this does not diminish the fact that she is gorgeous. At several occasions she has successfully passed her mid-thirties; however, other times she has shown signs of advancing age. In her case, this is evident in the fact that she has recently begun to gain weight, which is most appropriate for someone her age. Age also plays a determining role in the availability of height for different body types; Adriana Consuelos clearly displays an extremely attractive body type, but if you are considered “undersized” by today’s standards you will find it very difficult to find a partner of comparable stature.

Sex: Her sexual appeal is beyond doubt, as is her beauty. She has beautiful skin and a nice smile, and she comes across as very approachable and confident in her sexual adventures with her husband and others. Her height difference has clearly not had any effect on her confidence in bed or the number of dates she has had. She clearly enjoys the physical side of a good lovemaking session and often makes the man feel physically attracted to her, especially if she is physically attractive. This physical attraction also helps her maintain a strong relationship, since physical intimacy is what keeps a marriage together. If you are seriously considering dating Adriana Consuelos, there is nothing to stop you from just jumping in the pool and enjoying the benefits of her unique features and her loving personality.
