Height Difference – A Height Difference? Or a Height Problem?


Last month I was asked by a friend of mine to attend the Lynn Isabelle memorial service. It was a very emotional day for me as I have known Lynn since she was a little girl. Although there are so many wonderful men in our world today, it is still very sad to know of the loss of a friend such as Lynn. For many years, I have known her as my wife’s friend. And now as an etiquette newbie, I felt compelled to attend to her funeral and write about her.

Lynn was born in Peru and raised in England. Growing up, her family moved around a lot and she ended up marrying a man whose father was from Ireland. At the time, I thought that marriage between an Englishman and an Irishman was not so uncommon. But, I do not believe that was true because there are many men who marry a woman from the Caribbean or South America to give their children a nationality. So it is possible that Lynn did marry an Irish man and therefore had a nationality all her own.

Some men do marry a woman who is of a different race or culture just to keep up with the Joneses. In the case of Lynn, her marriage to a Hispanic man was not out of choice, but it was the height of immorality. She had many lovers over the years and after her marriage to this man, her lover died. As fate would have it, Lynn lost her husband and all of her children due to an illness and then became a widow. Although there were no real issues with her looks, it appears to be a fate worse than death that kept women in their husbands’ life for too long.
