Ashley Marie is a good example of what happens when one nationalities date. Though she claims to be Canadian and French Canadian, the truth is that she is Filipino. She has been trying her best to hide her Filipino roots through her looks and personality. This is not only sad but it is very dangerous as many potential relationships are ruined due to jealousy when oneโs partner finds out that he or she is Filipino.
There have been many stories of couples who have ended up in failed dating relationships due to height differences. Height difference does not always mean that one is short or tall; it is more of an issue when the partner is of the opposite sex. A height difference can really affect a relationship if you are not aware of this. It may sound funny but there have been cases wherein couples are told that their relationship cannot work because they have different heights or are attracted to different heights, which is totally ridiculous.
Height difference is not an excuse to discriminate against others, as what most people think. Whatโs even more unfortunate is that many online dating sites allow height misfits to remain anonymous, with their true height concealed behind the anonymity of their screen names. It is a sad reflection of our society that those with real physical attributes are devalued and looked down upon because they canโt be attractive to someone of the opposite sex. While height alone cannot explain why one is short or unattractive, it is a factor that affects all other aspects of a personโs life. It is a good idea to evaluate your own self-image and accept yourself for who you are, regardless of your height.